Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer Vacations

This summer which barely got here the end of June has been great!!!
My niece Kylie from Salem Utah came over and we traveled to Lovell for Lovell Days, rodeo, fireworks, parade. Got to see Wes, Wendy, Shalon, the hulk, er I mean Cutler! Holly, Kurtis, Dave and Susan, Heather, Kyle. The kids met me in Cody (I couldnt believe they drove 50 miles just for me!) for a movie but turns out we couldnt watch what was playing so we visited the Cody mural and Pizza Hut! The weekend was fun and the fireworks at Horseshoe almost as spectacular as Davids popcorn! Holly was the hostess with the mostest as always and I really appreciated the way she made us feel so welcome. We also stopped and swam at Thermopolis which was great! PS i dont recommend the Western Motel in Lovell! LOL. But life is an adventure I always say!
Kylie hung out here in Tetonia with me the rest of the week. We rode every day. We went to Dry Ridge, Twin Creek, South Leigh Creek, Hidden Lake, swam at Hieise hot springs, and she followed me to to 2 ropings and a barrel race. I have been roping much better this summer and Spooky is leading in the senior division in the barrels. (Once you get so old, theres not much competition left thank goodness!!!) I taught her how to back a horse trailer and pull the horse trailer down the highway. She gets her license next month. Her folks met us at Bear Lake Utah Friday and we spent the weekend floating around on tubes on the lake, barbequeing and watching fireworks. We also toured Minnetonka cave which is at St Charles ID. You go through several caverns well lit 350' below the surface. This tour is not for you if you have a bad knee or hip!! It was great fun!
I just got back today. I need to get ready for 4-H horse camp later this week where I will teach halter showmanship. I want to take some nieces and nephews camping in August with the horses so were trying to get that planned if Kurtis can locate a good spot.
Life is great. I LOVE SUMMER!!!! Happy Trails!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Springtime in the Rockies

My vacation has been good this week. Riding every day, sleeping in, mowing the yard and planting the garden. I had to buck a little snow in the high country and we got caught in hail and lightneing horseback at 11000 feet but survived.
I bought a new horse and will pick her up next weekend. Im not sure what Ive got but I think she will be a good roping horse. If not she will be for sale.
Ive ridden to Gormer Canyon, Horseshoe Canyon, South Bear Crik, Fall Crik, Deadhorse pass, Deadman trail, Aspen Leaf Trail and around the block!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Waiting for spring

Its down to 1' of snow in the yard. This past week it snowed every day at least a few inches!

Last night I helped prepare a meal for 200 people at the charity arena benefit in Driggs. It was fun. My friend Deb and Kevin did really well in the horse packing race and then they had an elk hide race which was fun.
A few weeks ago I took 3rd place in the cattle sorting competition. It was bunches of fun. Spooky did great for her first day off winter pasture.
I cant wait for the snow to go. I'm looking for another horse to start on the barrels since my 2 mares are now 17 years old!