Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Springtime in the Rockies

My vacation has been good this week. Riding every day, sleeping in, mowing the yard and planting the garden. I had to buck a little snow in the high country and we got caught in hail and lightneing horseback at 11000 feet but survived.
I bought a new horse and will pick her up next weekend. Im not sure what Ive got but I think she will be a good roping horse. If not she will be for sale.
Ive ridden to Gormer Canyon, Horseshoe Canyon, South Bear Crik, Fall Crik, Deadhorse pass, Deadman trail, Aspen Leaf Trail and around the block!


  1. Hooray! Welcome on board! I'm a little envious of your pictures and the fact that there are trees and lakes. I'm a fan of the desert during the winter, but I miss beautiful summers! Soak it up. Love you - Megann

  2. I love the picture of the lake, so pretty. Good luck with the new horse. I hope she works out.
